LEJOG Day 4, Friday 13th September 2024

After a hard day yesterday, and in fact challenging days since the start with a lot of climbing in Cornwall and Devon, today was a sunny day.

Starting from Dulverton, there was some steep climbs at the start of the day. The legs were tired and felt like jelly so I continued walking the steeper ‘red’ climbs. This was also to protect my knee from flaring up, but honestly really just because of tired legs!

At church on Sunday the talk was the first in our series about wings. One of my favourite verses was used:

Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.

It seemed very appropriate for our trip!

A real blessing has been that along the way I have seen so many examples of “wings”.

On the first day, a small plane came in to land over our heads, and we saw a flock of geese in formation.

On days 2 we saw a murmuration of starlings.

The first couple of days we definitely had the wind on our backs helping us along!

Today we saw a bird of prey right in our path in a narrow lane. I also saw a couple of swallows and a butterfly. The sky was a beautiful blue, the clouds were lined by the glow of the sun and the sky was streaked with airplane trails including one in the shape of a cross which I captured on video.

Our first stop was at Daisy’s Café in South Molton. A sweet little café where we enjoyed a coffee and brunch.

Having done most of the hills for the day, it was exhilarating to make good progress, rolling along freely in the sunshine.

Passing through villages there were numerous orchards with colourful apples and pears.

Eventually approaching our accommodation in Glastonbury, we could see the Tor. Our accommodation is right in the High Street.


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